
Blockchain Basics

    Blockchain Definition  In Simple Words Blockchain can be described as a data structure that holds transactional records while ensuring security, transparency, and decentralization. You can also think of it as a chain or records stored in the forms of blocks which are controlled by no single authority. Once an information is stored on a blockchain, it is extremely difficult to change or alter it.   Blockchain Definition In Technical Words As per Blockchain Council, “Blockchain is a consensus-based secure decentralised public/private database which stores information immutably over a peer-to-peer network”.   Types Of Blockchain  Public Blockchain   1.       Public blockchains are designed to be fully decentralized 2.       No one owns it 3.       Anyone can read / write the transaction without any authorisation 4.       Due to complex...

What Is Cloud Computing ?

Definition  Cloud computing is the on-demand availability of computer system resources, especially data storage and computing power, without direct active management by the user. Three Service Models 1. Software as a service ( SaaS ) – Network Architects Just run it for me ! Also known as on demand service. It is an application that can be accessed from anywhere on the globe as long as you have computer with an internet connection. We can access this cloud hosted application without any additional hardware or software. Also they provide security features such as SSL encryption, a cryptographic protocol. E.g. : G-mail, Yahoo mail, Hotmail, etc…  2. Platform as a service ( PaaS ) – Application Developers Gives us nice API (Application Programming Interface) & take care of the implementation. In the PaaS model, cloud providers deliver a computing platform and/or solution stack typically including operating system, programming language execution environment, database and web s...